Pregnancy is a time for introspection, healing, strength building and nurturing. I believe that Gem Stones have amazing healing qualities that can help with all aspects of your life.

In pregnancy, it is easy to worry about the journey and whether you are providing the peaceful environment for your baby to grow. You may also wonder about the future and how you will be as a Mom. I have often turned to holistic avenues, one being Gem Stones.

We have added a handmade collection of jewelry to our Annabella brand. Our gorgeous gemstone necklace for example adds that special touch to any outfit. We make to order, only using top grade gems and silver.

The gems used in this necklace featured are:

Amazonite – Calms the brain and nervous systems, and dissipates negative energy and blockages within the nervous system. It also assists in manifesting UNIVERSAL LOVE

Prehnite – A stone of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and the crystal to heal the healer.Enhances precognition and inner knowing


Flourite – Highly protective. Helps you absorb new information and promotes quick thinking. This stone cleanses and stabilizes the aura and purifies and reorganises anything within the body that is not in perfect order. It increases self confidence and dexterity.

Jade – This is a stone for healing the heart with energies so strong and steady that one feels a flow of well-being and balance almost immediately upon touching it. It fosters a wholesole and steady growth of ones chi or life force energies and it draws upon the earth’s life force and imbues one’s auric field with that energy. It aids in both physical and emotional well-being and can be used to abstract abundance and prosperity to the wearer. It reminds one to smell the flowers, touch someone you love and share your abundant heart with others.